This is my current blog where I discuss a variety of computing topics including Linux, vim, python and javascript as well as science and statistics. Many of the posts have accompanying gists, which contain code for the example discussed.
Joint, conditional and marginal probabilities
Aug 26, 2014
In this post I will discuss a topic that seems very dry at first but turns out to have many cool applications. While I will not discuss Bayesian inference in this post, understanding the relationship between joint, conditional and marginal probabilities is essential for the application of Bayesian thinking. As a result, I'll will often refer back to this discussion in future posts.
Garmin forerunner and Ubuntu 14.04
Aug 16, 2014
This post is about getting running data off of a Garmin Forerunner 305 and uploaded to the Garmin Connect website. This post follows my previous post on the Garmin forerunner and Ubuntu 12.04. Basically I will repeat these previous instructions, making sure that everything can still be done on Ubunu 14.04-- the good news is that everything works on 14.04, so read on if you are interested.
Install R on Ubuntu 14.04
Aug 15, 2014
In this post I will go over installing R on Ubuntu 14.04 following the installation instructions at cran. I will also cover installing the packages required to do the Topics in machine learning assignment for Coursera's Introduction to Data Science.
Install igraph for Python on Ubuntu 14.04
Jul 29, 2014
In this post I will describe installing python-igraph on Ubuntu 14.04, using the default Python 2.7. Previously I wrote a (long) post about how to create an initial python setup, which provides lots of detail about how I approach Python package installation. In particular, I use pip and install as a user. Of course, you can do otherwise.
Python and YAML on Ubuntu 14.04
Jul 12, 2014
In this post I will cover installing PyYAML using Python 2.7. I've previously covered my approach to Python package installation using pip, so you can read more there to get a sense of my approach.