
This is my current blog where I discuss a variety of computing topics including Linux, vim, python and javascript as well as science and statistics. Many of the posts have accompanying gists, which contain code for the example discussed.

Install Python packages on Ubuntu 14.04

Jun 4, 2014

In this post I will document my setup of Python 2.7.6 in Ubuntu 14.04. Of course, the base Python is installed by default, but both Python 2.7.6 and Python 3.4 are available.

Install vanilla LaTeX on Ubuntu 14.04

Jun 2, 2014

In this post I will go through a vanilla installation of Tex Live-- you may not want to do this. I'm choosing this installation method because of the ability to stay current with LaTeX updates and greater flexibility. However, for most people I would suggest installing the LaTeX setup in Ubuntu 14.04 repositories-- search for texlive-full.

Migrate ssh keys for new computer

May 30, 2014

I need to use a set of ssh keys on a new machine. In general, it is probably best to generate new keys instead of copying old keys, but this is a temporary solution for now.

Install and setup git on Ubuntu 14.04

May 29, 2014

In this post I go over the basics of getting git up and running on Ubuntu 14.04.

Install and setup screen on Ubuntu 14.04

May 29, 2014

screen is a great tool for the terminal, allowing me to have many windows (sessions) open at the same time-- say vim in one, an ssh session in another, etc. This post documents my basic setup -- if you have cool/different ideas about how to do this type of thing let me know.