Update 11ty site from version 2 to version 3
Jan 8, 2025
This post contains my notes on updating this 11ty site from version 2 to version 3. My primary references for the update are:
- 11ty's official upgrade helper
- github for 11ty demo, base blog
- Max Böck's post on 11ty updrade to v3
Of course, be careful if you choose to follow along --- be sure to have backups in case of disaster!
Node version
Version 3 of 11ty requires Node version 18 or higher. Your version can be
check using the node --version
flag with
Node. I get:
$ node --version
11ty upgrade helper
I will start by following the directions for
11ty's official upgrade helper
This starts with installing v3 of 11ty (I use the command to upgrade from
v2 to v3):
$ npm install @11ty/eleventy@3
Next, I install the upgrade helper (again, this is for upgrade from v2 to v3):
$ npm install @11ty/eleventy-upgrade-help@3
Then we need to import and use the help. I follow
the ESM instructions for adding to my configuration file--
note that export is changed from
module.exports = function (eleventyConfig) {
export default function (eleventyConfig) {
resulting in a format like this:
import UpgradeHelper from "@11ty/eleventy-upgrade-help";
export default function (eleventyConfig) {
// If you have other `addPlugin` calls, it’s important that UpgradeHelper is added last.
Finally, we are told to run our build command and fix the errors. I think
there are A LOT of unmentioned things that can go wrong here, but... I try.
$ npm run start
... cut ...
(node:16770) Warning: To load an ES module, set "type": "module" in the package.json or use the .mjs extension.
(Use `node --trace-warnings ...` to show where the warning was created)
[11ty] Eleventy Error (CLI):
[11ty] 1. Error in your Eleventy config file '.eleventy.js'. (via EleventyConfigError)
[11ty] 2. Cannot use import statement outside a module (via SyntaxError)
... cut ...
ESM and CommonJS
Prior to version 3, 11ty used CommonJS as the default/only option. It is still
possible to use CommonJS, but I am going to choose ESM as the default
( more info on ESM vs CommonJs in 11ty available here
So, The first error I get makes sense: there is a complaint about the my attempt
to load the helper package using ESM syntax. As suggested, I will adjust my
file to set the "type" to "module" by adding a
"type": "module",
Changing "require" statements to "import"
Changing the "type" to "module" means that Node now expects ESM style imports
instead of the "require" statements used in CommonJS. This means the
statements like:
const randomPlugin = require("random-plugin");
get changed to
import randomPlugin from "random-plugin";
in your configuration file. There are likely a bunch of these statements at
the top of the file.
Out of date dependencies
After making the change(s) above I was still getting errors about CommonJS style
imports. I made sure that none were in my config file and decided this might
be the result of out of date dependencies. I found out I did have outdated
dependencies with:
$ npm outdated
Package Current Wanted Latest Location Depended by
@11ty/eleventy-img 3.1.0 3.1.8 6.0.0 node_modules/@11ty/eleventy-img chrisstrelioffws-11ty
@11ty/eleventy-plugin-syntaxhighlight 4.2.0 4.2.0 5.0.0 node_modules/@11ty/eleventy-plugin-syntaxhighlight chrisstrelioffws-11ty
@11ty/eleventy-plugin-webc 0.11.1 0.11.2 0.11.2 node_modules/@11ty/eleventy-plugin-webc chrisstrelioffws-11ty
sass 1.56.0 1.83.1 1.83.1 node_modules/sass chrisstrelioffws-11ty
I attempted to fix this with:
$ npm update
to see if that would help. It helped, yay! This means that updating
dependencies resulted in the helper script working as intended; go figure!
Next up, let's document some of the errors I encounted.
Errors I encountered...
Now that I had the basics working, I started to work through errors that
came up with building. I'll document here, for myself, and maybe you?
Computed data
I am using computed data, *.11tydata.js , and the
syntax had to change from:
// CommonJS style
module.exports = {
eleventyComputed: {
eleventyNavigation: {
key: (data) => data.title,
parent: (data) => data.parent,
// ESM style
export default {
eleventyComputed: {
eleventyNavigation: {
key: (data) => data.title,
parent: (data) => data.parent,
Javascript functions
I use a couple of javascript functions that need to be exported. This
requires the change from
// CommonJS style
// -- from https://www.11ty.dev/docs/languages/javascript/#function
module.exports = function (data) {
return `<p>${data.name}</p>`;
// ESM style
// -- from https://www.11ty.dev/docs/languages/javascript/#function
export default function (data) {
return `<p>${data.name}</p>`;
Javascript classes
I use javascript classes to do some parsing of tags. The export of the class
had to be updated, like so (note the export in the final line):
// ESM style
// -- from https://www.11ty.dev/docs/languages/javascript/#classes
class Test {
// or `async render({name}) {`
render({ name }) {
return `<p>${name}</p>`;
export default Test;
Removing the helper plugin
Making changes to multiple files that had the issues cited above resulted in
a working v3 upgrade of 11ty. All that's left is to uninstall the plugin
and remove the related lines from the config file:
$ npm uninstall @11ty/eleventy-upgrade-help
and remove the lines
// remove import statement
import UpgradeHelper from "@11ty/eleventy-upgrade-help";
// remove addPlugin statement
That's it! I have other 11ty sites to update, so I'll be coming back to these
notes. If you find any issues, drop me an email (see below).