
This is my current blog where I discuss a variety of computing topics including Linux, vim, python and javascript as well as science and statistics. Many of the posts have accompanying gists, which contain code for the example discussed.

Upgrading to Meteor 1.3 on Ubuntu 14.04

Mar 30, 2016

In a recent post I documented the install process for Meteor -- at that time the current version was 1.2.1. Well, the new version -- 1.3 -- is out and I will briefly document the upgrade process and provide some links to new guides and tutorials that the MDG (Meteor Development Group) has released.

A d3 experiment on my Tinkerer blog

Mar 15, 2016

This blog uses Tinkerer, which is based on the Sphinx documentation framework, to create static html pages from rest (rst) markup. If you are familiar with the Python world you've probably created documentation using Sphinx, or at the very least, you have read documenation created in Sphinx. Because the setup is Python-focused, it is not straightforward to write posts that employ javascript libraries like d3. This post describes my method for doing javascript examples in Tinkerer blog posts or Sphinx docs, as well as how to do some d3.

Install Meteor on Ubuntu 14.04

Mar 14, 2016

I've been spending a lot of time working with Meteor recently. This framework uses javascript and MongoDB to create a full stack solution that is pretty easy to use. The installation is simple and painless on Ubuntu 14.04, but I'll document my process here for reference and provide some links for learning more about Meteor.

Installing node LTS version on Ubuntu 14.04

Mar 14, 2016

In a previous post I installed nodejs on Ubuntu 14.04 using what were current instructions at the time. Those notes are outdated at this point so I thought I'd document the current way to install the LTS version of node.

Installing MongoDB Community Edition on Ubuntu 14.04

Feb 18, 2016

In this post I'll cover installing the Community Edition of MongoDB on Ubuntu 14.04 in a way that lets me use more recent versions of MongoDB than are available using the standard sudo apt-get install. If that sounds interesting, follow along.