This is my current blog where I discuss a variety of computing topics including Linux, vim, python and javascript as well as science and statistics. Many of the posts have accompanying gists, which contain code for the example discussed.
Installing node LTS version on Ubuntu 14.04
Mar 14, 2016
In a previous post I installed nodejs on Ubuntu 14.04 using what were current instructions at the time. Those notes are outdated at this point so I thought I'd document the current way to install the LTS version of node.
Installing MongoDB Community Edition on Ubuntu 14.04
Feb 18, 2016
In this post I'll cover installing the Community Edition of MongoDB on Ubuntu 14.04 in a way that lets me use more recent versions of MongoDB than are available using the standard sudo apt-get install. If that sounds interesting, follow along.
Arduino on Ubuntu 14.04 without the Arduino IDE
Dec 8, 2015
In this post I will document my setup for working with an Arduino Uno on Ubuntu 14.04. However, be warned, I am not going to use the official Arudino IDE. Instead I'm going to setup the basic requirements for writing and pushing code, including libraries and make files, and use vim as my editor. So, if you're interested in this approach, follow along.
Installing Fiona on Ubuntu 14.04
Aug 20, 2015
This post consists of some quick notes on installing Fiona, a Python interface to OGR, which is a tool that one might want if working with GIS data on a regular basis. I'm trying to do things like convert shapefiles to geojson-- without much luck until now (see below)-- and this is one of the tools I'm looking at as part of the solution. If you want to install Fiona on Ubuntu 14.04 follow along.
Decision trees in python again, cross-validation
Jun 25, 2015
This is my second post on decision trees using scikit-learn and Python. The first post focused on visualizing the resulting tree. This post will concentrate on using cross-validation methods to choose the parameters used to train the tree. In particular, I'll focus on grid and random search for decision tree parameter settings. If this sounds interesting to you, following along. As always, comments, questions and corrections are welcome below.