This is my current blog where I discuss a variety of computing topics including Linux, vim, python and javascript as well as science and statistics. Many of the posts have accompanying gists, which contain code for the example discussed.
Python 3.4 on Ubuntu 14.04 using virtual environments
Sep 16, 2014
In a previous post I talked about using virtual environments with the default Python version-- this is Python 2.7.6 for Ubuntu 14.04. However, both Python 2.7 and 3.4 are available on Ubuntu 14.04. In this post I'll go over setting up a virtual environment for working with Python 3 code.
Medical tests, a first example of Bayesian calculations
Sep 11, 2014
In this post I will discuss a first example of a Bayesian calculation using a well-known example of testing for breast cancer.
virtualenv and virtualenvwrapper on Ubuntu 14.04
Sep 4, 2014
In this post I'll go over my attempt to setup virtual environments for Python development. Most Python users probably don't want to use virtual environments and should just set up a single user environment that works for their needs. However, if you are working on writing one or more Python modules or packages, these tools are geared towards creating isolated Python environments for each project. This is very useful for keeping track of such things as the minimal Python requirements for each project.
Installing virtualbox on Ubuntu 14.04
Sep 2, 2014
In this post I will cover installing Oracle's virtualbox on Ubuntu 14.04. This will allow me to run Windows and tableau, a program for putting together interactive visualizations. If you are running Ubuntu and taking Coursera's introduction to data science class you might find this post useful as well. However, having virtualbox installed and available is always a good thing for those situations where Win or Mac are the only options.
Joint, conditional and marginal probabilities
Aug 26, 2014
In this post I will discuss a topic that seems very dry at first but turns out to have many cool applications. While I will not discuss Bayesian inference in this post, understanding the relationship between joint, conditional and marginal probabilities is essential for the application of Bayesian thinking. As a result, I'll will often refer back to this discussion in future posts.