
This is my current blog where I discuss a variety of computing topics including Linux, vim, python and javascript as well as science and statistics. Many of the posts have accompanying gists, which contain code for the example discussed.

Video capture using opencv-python on Pop!_OS 22.04

Apr 23, 2024

This is a short post to document a script that captures video and converts to grayscale using opencv-python on Pop!_OS 22.04 (this should work on all/most Ubuntu 22.04-related operating systems as well!

Install OpenCV-python using pip

Apr 19, 2024

This is a very short post to document how I installed opencv-python on Pop!_OS 22.04 using pip and virtualenvwrapper. This should work for Ubuntu 22.04 as well.

Install Inkscape using PPA on Pop!_OS 22.04

Nov 3, 2022

This is a very short post to document how I installed Inkscape on Pop!_OS 22.04 using their PPA. Of course, this would work for Ubuntu 22.04 as well.

VPS setup on digitalocean

Nov 2, 2022

In this post I will document my setup of an Ubuntu 22.04 VPS at Digital Ocean. I will provide links to resources at digitalocean that guided the choices I made. Of course, this is just one way to do it so read mutiple resources if you are trying this yourself.

Install OpenToonz on Pop!_OS 22.04

Oct 4, 2022

In this post I detail my install process for OpenToonz, an amazing tool for creating animation videos, on Pop!_OS 22.04. Again, I will be using flatpak, as I did with Shotcut in the previous post.