tag: Ubuntu 14.04
Upgrading to Meteor 1.3 on Ubuntu 14.04
Mar 30, 2016
In a recent post I documented the install process for Meteor -- at that time the current version was 1.2.1. Well, the new version -- 1.3 -- is out and I will briefly document the upgrade process and provide some links to new guides and tutorials that the MDG (Meteor Development Group) has released.
Install Meteor on Ubuntu 14.04
Mar 14, 2016
I've been spending a lot of time working with Meteor recently. This framework uses javascript and MongoDB to create a full stack solution that is pretty easy to use. The installation is simple and painless on Ubuntu 14.04, but I'll document my process here for reference and provide some links for learning more about Meteor.
Installing MongoDB Community Edition on Ubuntu 14.04
Feb 18, 2016
In this post I'll cover installing the Community Edition of MongoDB on Ubuntu 14.04 in a way that lets me use more recent versions of MongoDB than are available using the standard sudo apt-get install. If that sounds interesting, follow along.
Arduino on Ubuntu 14.04 without the Arduino IDE
Dec 8, 2015
In this post I will document my setup for working with an Arduino Uno on Ubuntu 14.04. However, be warned, I am not going to use the official Arudino IDE. Instead I'm going to setup the basic requirements for writing and pushing code, including libraries and make files, and use vim as my editor. So, if you're interested in this approach, follow along.
Installing Fiona on Ubuntu 14.04
Aug 20, 2015
This post consists of some quick notes on installing Fiona, a Python interface to OGR, which is a tool that one might want if working with GIS data on a regular basis. I'm trying to do things like convert shapefiles to geojson-- without much luck until now (see below)-- and this is one of the tools I'm looking at as part of the solution. If you want to install Fiona on Ubuntu 14.04 follow along.
JOINs, and some VIEWs, in MySQL
Apr 30, 2015
This is the third in a series of posts on MySQL. The first post covered setting up MySQL and basic queries and the second post covered simple queries using SELECT, LIMIT, ORDER BY, etc. If you are starting out, you should start with these posts. In this post I will go over multi-table queries, using JOINs (with some help from VIEWs).
Employees database for MySQL, setup and simple queries
Apr 22, 2015
In a recent post I covered MySQL setup on Ubuntu 14.04. In this post I will cover downloading and setting up the employees sample database that will be used for the example queries in this, and other posts, on my blog. As mentioned in the previous post, I'm using Jump Start MySQL as a guide book for these posts-- you should check it out for more examples.
Installing MySQL on Ubuntu 14.04
Apr 21, 2015
In this post I will cover installing MySQL on Ubuntu 14.04, using the repository available at the mysql apt repo. The idea is to setup a repository that allows our MySQL to be current-- in this case MySQL 5.6. The instructions I'm documenting here are derived from the above link, as well as the nice book Jump Start MySQL (April 2015). If this is of interest to you, follow along and be sure checkout the resources mentioned above.
Install QGIS on Ubuntu 14.04
Feb 17, 2015
In this post I will cover my install process for QGIS on Ubuntu 14.04. QGIS is a tool for creating maps and working with geospatial information. The official QGIS installation instructions provide three different ways to install the software. I'll be using the UbuntuGIS ppa to get access to more recent versions of the relevant GIS software, including QGIS.
Installing virtualbox on Ubuntu 14.04
Sep 2, 2014
In this post I will cover installing Oracle's virtualbox on Ubuntu 14.04. This will allow me to run Windows and tableau, a program for putting together interactive visualizations. If you are running Ubuntu and taking Coursera's introduction to data science class you might find this post useful as well. However, having virtualbox installed and available is always a good thing for those situations where Win or Mac are the only options.
Ubuntu VPS setup at digitalocean
Jun 27, 2014
This blog is hosted on an Ubuntu 14.04 VPS at digitalocean. This post is mainly a reminder for me of the tutorials I used to set things up, however you might find it a helpful guide as well.
Installing Octave on Ubuntu 14.04
Jun 20, 2014
I'm taking Andrew Ng's machine learning class at Coursera that started June 17, 2014. In the Silicon Valley tech world, this seems to be the online course that many people recommend for machine learning. The course is taught using Octave or Matlab. I'll use Octave because I'm on Ubuntu and Octave is a Gnu project.
Install Python packages on Ubuntu 14.04
Jun 4, 2014
In this post I will document my setup of Python 2.7.6 in Ubuntu 14.04. Of course, the base Python is installed by default, but both Python 2.7.6 and Python 3.4 are available.