tag: npm

ES2015 using Node, Babel and Webpack

Jul 13, 2016

In this post I will cover setting up a project that uses ES2015/ES6 -- modern JavaScript-- that will still work in current web browsers that need ES5. The trick is to use Babel to transpile ES2015/ES6 code to ES5, which can run on current browsers. Why do this? Well, ES2015/ES6 is the future of JavaScript and I'd like to start using it now.

Installing node LTS version on Ubuntu 14.04

Mar 14, 2016

In a previous post I installed nodejs on Ubuntu 14.04 using what were current instructions at the time. Those notes are outdated at this point so I thought I'd document the current way to install the LTS version of node.

Installing Node.js and npm on Ubuntu 14.04

Jan 12, 2015

I've decided to start being systematic about learning javascript, with a focus on getting good with d3js. I'll be installing nodejs and npm (node package manager) as a way to get access to a javascript console and, for later, a powerful javascript environment.